
Current operations include the Myrtle Springs Magnesite Mine and Mount Gunson Mines. A & MJ Musolino operate the Myrtle Springs Magnesite Mine producing a high-quality raw magnesite product.

The historical mining area of Mount Gunson, as well as surrounding tenements, have been wholly owned and operated by A&MJ Musolino since 2000. The Mount Gunson Mines have historically produced a copper cement product using a simple heap leaching technique. The relevant leases are as follows: MPL 1, ML 5599 CATTLE GRID, ML 5598 MAIN OPEN CUT, ML 3717, ML 3718, ML 3719, ML 3720, ML 3721, EML 6192 EXTRACTIVE MINERAL LEASE. (referenced above)

Additionally, the Mt Gunson Mines area has provided road base material for regional infrastructure development as well as acting as a host to personal, equipment and machinery working on regional development projects.